Laser Hair Removal
We proudly offer laser hair removal treatments with The Quanta Pronto. The Quanta Pronto is the fastest hair removal laser on the market at 12 HZ, and the only dual wavelength diode laser; targeting both the hair follicle and vascular supply to the hair follicle for superior results at unmatched speeds. Most people will need about 8 to 10 treatments, but sometimes require more. We recommend treatment once every 8 weeks. (More time between treatments is OK, too.)
pricing (per treatment)
inside of the nose: $75
upper Lip: $75
Chin: $75
Sideburns: $75
Neck: $150
beard: $150
Full Face: $225
Ears: $75
Under Arms: $150
Back: $300
CHEST: $175
Shoulders: $150
stomach: $125
Naval: $75
Bikini: $175
Fingers: $100
Toes: $100
packaged deals and specials:
Mix and match! Receive any two laser treatments in the same day and save 15% off your total cost!
First responders, military, medical professionals, dental professionals, and med spa employees always enjoy an additional 5% off any service when mentioning our website.
For more information, review our Policies page.
Frequently asked questions
Q. How many treatments of laser hair removal will I need?
A. Laser hair removal typically takes 8 to 10 treatments. We like to space out our hair removal treatments by every 8 weeks or longer.
Q. Is hair removal permanent?
A. Laser hair removal is only permanent hair reduction. Most people need a touch-up once every year or two.
Q. Can hair removal work on all hair types?
A. Laser hair removal only works on light to dark brown hair. Blond, grey, and red hair are not able to be removed by laser.